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日期:2022-03-03   点击数:7482  




南通大学仿生材料与组织工程研究团队的主要研究方向为:1. 临床生物医用材料与体外诊断试剂的研发;2. 功能复合材料;3. 仿生材料与组织工程;4. 药物可控缓释系统。团队围绕材料学、细胞与分子生物学、临床医学等多学科交叉,以仿生生物医用材料为工具重点探索支架与(干)细胞/组织相互作用机制、疾病诊断、药物可控释放系统、再生医学方面的基础和应用研究。


袁卉华博士, 副教授(校聘教授), 硕士生导师。江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才培养对象。现任SCI期刊 Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyIF=6.064, 二区)副主编(Associate Editor 生物材料类),曾任SCI期刊Biomimetics 客座编辑(IF=3.743, 三区)。在生物材料、纳米技术、高分子复合材料等领域的学术刊物上发表SCI论文45篇(其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文27篇,中科院一区论文12篇,二区论文9篇),获选SCI 期刊编辑的重点推荐(Editor’s Pick)及特色文章(Featured articles1篇(Biomed Mater 2014, 9(5):055001),目前SCI论文被引用达1900余次,H-指数23(谷歌学术数据),第一作者撰写英文专著的1个章节,获授权15项中国发明专利。中国生物材料学会、中国生物医学工程学会、中国化学会以及国际组织工程与再生医学会员,也是Adv Funct Mater, Adv Sci, ACS Nano, Small等一区TOP国际学术期刊的受邀论文评审人。近年来,承担国家、江苏省、南通市科技计划项目等10余项课题。



李碧云  博士、高级实验师

薛也    博士、讲师(校聘副教授)

宣红云  博士、讲师

金艳   博士、讲师






2019-2021: 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:肌腱再生(袁卉华)

2021-2023: 国家自然科学基金-青年项目:神经再生(宣红云)

2020-2023: 江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金项目:神经再生(宣红云)

2018-2021: 江苏省自然科学基金-青年基金项目:肌腱再生(袁卉华)

2018-2020: 江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才项目:肌腱再生(袁卉华)

2020-2023: 江苏省高校自然科学研究面上项目:神经再生(宣红云)


2021-2023: 南通市科技项目:神经再生(薛也)

2021-2023: 南通市科技项目:神经性疾病调控机制(金艳)

2019-2021: 南通市科技项目:气管软骨再生(李碧云)

2019-2021: 南通市科技项目:神经再生(宣红云)

2017-2019: 南通市科技项目:肌腱再生(袁卉华)


1.         Hongyun Xuan#, Qian Du#, Ruimeng Li, Xiaoni Shen, Jiao Zhou, Biyun Li, Yan Jin*, Huihua Yuan*. Shape-Memory-Reduced Graphene/Chitosan Cryogels for Non-Compressible Wounds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 1389.

2.         Biyun Li, Xiaoxiao Gao,Jiangang Qu, Feng Xiong, Hongyun Xuan, Yan Jin*, Huihua Yuan*. Visible-light-driven antimicrobial activity and mechanism of polydopamine-reduced graphene oxide/BiVO4 Composite. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(14):7712.

3.         Shuyuan Wu, Zhuojun Zhang, Ran Xu, Shuo Wei, Feng Xiong, Wenzhuo Cui, Biyun Li,Ye Xue*, Hongyun Xuan*, Huihua Yuan*. A spray-filming, tissue-adhesive, and bioactive polysaccharide self-healing hydrogel for skin regeneration. Materials & Design, 2022, 217:110669.

4.         Feng Xiong, Shuo Wei, Han Sheng, Xiang Han, Wei Jiang, Zhuojun Zhang, Biyun Li, Hongyun Xuan, Ye Xue*, Huihua Yuan*. In situ polydopamine functionalized poly-L-lactic acid nanofibers with near-infrared-triggered antibacterial and reactive oxygen species scavenging capability.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 201:338-350.

5.         Xiaolei Li#, Feng Xiong#, Shuguang Wang, Zhuojun Zhang, Jihang Dai, Hui Chen, Jingcheng Wang, Qiang Wang*, Huihua Yuan*. N-acetyl-cysteine-loaded biomimetic nanofibrous scaffold for osteogenesis of induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells and bone regeneration. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9:767641.

6.         Hongyun Xuan#, Shuo Wei#, Feng Xiong, Zhuojun Zhang, Ye Xue, Miao Sun*, Biyun Li*, Huihua Yuan*. Design of porous and fish scale-like nanofibers for the reinforcement of transparent composites. Materials & Design, 2021, 212:110284.

7.         Cong Gao, Shuai Lu, Yongzhou Wang, Hao Xu, Xiaoxiao Gao, Yiwen Gu, Hongyun Xuan, Baohua Wang*, Huihua Yuan*, Yunying Cao*. Bismuth vanadium oxide can promote growth and activity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 9:766078.

8.         Hongyun Xuan, Shuyuan Wu, Simiao Fei, Biyun Li, Yumin Yang*, Huihua Yuan*. Injectable nanofiber-polysaccharide self-healing hydrogels for wound healing. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2021, 128: 112264.

9.         Biyun Li, Shuo Wei, Hongyun Xuan, Ye Xue, Huihua Yuan*. Tailoring fineness and content of nylon-6 nanofibers for reinforcing optically transparent poly(methyl methacrylate) composites. Polymer Composites, 2021, 1-10.

10.     Hongyun Xuan#, Biyun Li#, Feng Xiong, Shuyuan Wu, Zhuojun Zhang, Yumin Yang*, Huihua Yuan*. Tailoring nano-porous surface of aligned electrospun poly(L-lactic acid) fibers for nerve tissue engineering. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2021, 22:3536.

11.     Huihua Yuan#,*, Xiaolei Li#, Ming-Song Lee, Zhuojun Zhang, Biyun Li, Hongyun Xuan, Wan-Ju Li , Yanzhong Zhang*.Collagen and chondroitin sulfate functionalized bioinspired fibers for tendon tissue engineering application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 170:248-260.

12.     Ye Xue, Krista Jackson, Natalie Page, Xiaoyang Mou, Samuel Lofland, Xiao Hu*. Water-annealing regulated protein-based magnetic nanofiber materials: tuning silk structure and properties to enhance cell response under magnetic fields, Materials Today Chemistry, 2021, 22: 100570.

13.     Biyun Li#, Yinhu Liu#, Shuo Wei, Yuting Huang, Shuwen Yang, Ye Xue, Hongyun Xuan, Huihua Yuan*. A solvent system involved fabricating electrospun polyurethane nanofibers for biomedical applications. Polymers, 2020, 12:3038.

14.     Biyun Li#, Feng Xiong#, Bo Yao, Qian Du, Jun Cao, Jiangang Qu, Wei Feng*, Huihua Yuan*. Preparation and characterization of antibacterial dopamine-functionalized reduced graphene oxide/PLLA composite nanofibers. RSC Advances, 2020,10:18614-18623.

15.     Hongyun Xuan, Xiaoxuan Tang, Yanxi Zhu, Jue Ling*, Yumin Yang*. Freestanding hyaluronic acid/silk-based self-healing coating towards tissue repair with antibacterial surface. ACS Applied Bio-materials, 2020,3(3):1628-1635.

16.     Ye Xue, Sam Lofland, Xiao Hu*. Protein-based flexible thermal conductive materials with continuous network structure: fabrication, properties, and theoretical modeling, Composites Part B Engineering, 2020, 201(49): 108377.

17.     Ye Xue, Sam Lofland, Xiao Hu*. Comparative study of silk-based magnetic materials: effect of magnetic particle types on the protein structure and biomaterial properties, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(20): 7583.

18.     Ye Xue, Xiao Hu*. Electrospun silk-boron nitride nanofibers with tunable structure and properties, Polymers, 2020, 12(5): 1093.                                    

19.     Hao Chen#, Biyun Li#, Bei Feng, Hao Wang, Huihua Yuan*, Zhiwei Xu*. Tetracycline hydrochloride loaded citric acid functionalized chitosan hydrogel for wound healing. RSC Advances, 2019, 9(34):19523-19530.                                                  

20.     Hongyun Xuan, Yanxi Zhu, Jiaoyu Ren, Wei Dai, Liqin Ge*. Self-healing, antibacterial, and dual cross-linked multilayer films for microcapsule-based controllable drug release applications. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 476: 182-188.                                                                          

21.     Hongyun Xuan, Yanxi Zhu, Jiaoyu Ren, Liqin Ge*. Intrinsic self-healing and biocompatibility of carbon nitride coatings via inhibiting or degrading ethylene for fruit preservation. Journal of materials science, 2019, 54: 9282-9290.

22.     Ye Xue#, Fang Wang#, Maria Torculas, Samuel Lofland, Xiao Hu*. Formic acid regenerated mori, tussah, eri, thai, and muga silk materials: mechanism of self-assembly, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2019, 5(12): 6361-6373.                         

23.     Hao Chen#, Hao Wang#, Biyun Li#, Bei Feng, Xiaomin He, Wei Fu, Huihua Yuan*, Zhiwei Xu*. Enhanced chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stems cells on citric acid-modified chitosan hydrogel for tracheal cartilage regeneration applications. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(30): 16910-16917.                            

24.     Hongyun Xuan, Wei Dai, Yanxi Zhu, Jiaoyu Ren, Jianhao Zhang, Liqin Ge*. Self-Healing, antibacterial and sensing nanoparticle coating and its excellent optical applications. Sensors and actuators B: Chemical, 2018, 257:1110-1117.                                               

25.     Hongyun Xuan, Jiaoyu Ren, Xizhang Wang, Jianhao Zhang, Liqin Ge*. Flame-retardant, non-irritating and self-healing multilayer films with double-network structure. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 145: 15-23.                                                               

26.     Hongyun Xuan, Jiaoyu Ren, Jianhao Zhang, Liqin Ge*. Novel highly-flexible, acid-resistant and self-healing host-guest transparent multilayer films. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 411: 303-314.

27.     Ye Xue, Dave Jao, Wenbing Hu, Xiao Hu*. Silk-silk blend materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017, 127(1): 915-921.                                                                                                                                           

Book Chapter

1.       Huihua Yuan#, Qihui Zhou#, Yanzhong Zhang*, 6. Improving fiber alignment during electrospinning, in Electrospun nanofibers, Editor: Mehdi Afshari, Woodhead Publishing, 2017. ISBN: 9780081009079.


1.       指导20202021级硕士研究获江苏省研究生创新基金项目资助2项。

2.       指导2020级硕士研究生获2021年江苏省化工新材料研究生学术创论坛优秀墙报奖1项。

3.       指导2017级生物技术、生物工程本科生完成国家级大创项目1项。

4.       指导2018级海洋技术本科生获2022全国生命科学竞赛江苏赛区三等奖一项。

5.       指导2020届、2021届生物科学、生物工程本科生获江苏省普通高校本专科优秀毕业设计(论文)三等奖2项。


Email: yuanhh@ntu.edu.cn
