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日期:2023-04-07   点击数:4092  





王凯,教授,博士生导师。教育部新世纪优秀人才。先后获 “闽江学者”特聘教授、“金山学者”特聘教授,福建省引进高层次人才等称号。曾任国家甘蔗工程技术研究中副主任、副院长等职务。曾获中华农业科技奖优秀创新团队奖(等同一等奖)、严家显最高奖教金、江苏省优秀百篇博士学位论文、江苏省遗传学会优秀论文评选特等奖等。主持各类科研项目20项,其中主持国家自然科学基金 6 项、教育部新世纪人才支持计划、国家重点研发计划项目,省自然科学基金等项目多项;指导研究生多人获得省级优秀毕业生和优秀学位论文。现已在Science, Nature Genetics, Genome ResPlant CellPNAS等期刊发表论文70余篇,参编英文著作1部,申请发明专利十余项。现任SCI杂志Frontiers in Plant ScienceChromosome Res编委,美国自然科学基金评委;担任国际棉花基因组创新研讨会会员,中国热带作物学会理事,福建省遗传学会理事。


1.         2022 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、江苏省科技计划项目、江苏省卓越博后计划;

2.         2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目;

3.         2019 国家重点研发计划子课题;

4.         2018 国家自然科学基金面上项目

5.         2017国家自然科学基金海外学者合作研究基金

6.         2015 国家自然科学基金面上项目

7.         2011 国家自然科学基金面上项目

8.         2011教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目

9.         2008 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金

10.      2008江苏省自然科学基金

11.      2014闽江学者特聘教授

12.      另外,主持云南省博士工作站及其他合作研究课题十余项。


韩金磊,博士、校聘副教授。毕业于福建农林大学,从事植物表观遗传,基因表达调控等研究。参与完成多项科研项目。以第一作者在国际知名期刊Plant Cell 以及The Plant Journal发表学术论文。主持国家自然科学基金及江苏省科技计划项目。

陈琪,博士,毕业于东北林业大学,主要从事植物次生代谢调控及植物逆境生理生态学方面的研究。主持江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目1项,主持完成南通市科技项目1项,参与国家级项目多项;以第一作者或通讯作者在BMC Plant BiologyFrontiers in Plant ScienceEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety等期刊发表SCI论文12篇。主要承担植物生物学、植物资源学、中学生物学课程标准与教材分析等生物师范专业主干课程。

寇小兵,博士,校聘副教授。南京农业大学博士(2018)、博士后(2021)。主要从事植物抗逆境胁迫以及生殖发育的分子机制研究。在《Horticulture Research》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》等国际期刊发表SCI文章多篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目。

Teame Gereziher Mehari博士后,毕业于中国农业科学院棉花研究所,主要从事棉花等作物的遗传育种研究。








1.         X. Zhang, Z. Meng, J. Han, H. Khurshid, A. Esh, R. Hasterok, K. Wang, Characterization of meiotic chromosome behavior in the autopolyploid Saccharum spontaneum reveals preferential chromosome pairing without distinct DNA sequence variation, The Crop Journal (2023).

2.         W. Ding, Y. Zhu, J. Han, H. Zhang, Z. Xu, H. Khurshid, F. Liu, R. Hasterok, X. Shen, K. Wang, Characterization of centromeric DNA of Gossypium anomalum reveals sequence-independent enrichment dynamics of centromeric repeats, Chromosome Res. 31(2) (2023) 12.

3.         K. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Khurshid, A. Esh, C. Wu, Q. Wang, N. Piperidis, Past and recent advances in sugarcane cytogenetics, The Crop Journal 11(1) (2023) 1-8.

4.         K. Sun, T.G. Mehari, H. Fang, J. Han, X. Huo, J. Zhang, Y. Chen, D. Wang, Z. Zhuang, A. Ditta, M.K.R. Khan, J. Zhang, K. Wang, B. Wang, Transcriptome, proteome and functional characterization reveals salt stress tolerance mechanisms in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Front. Plant Sci. 14 (2023).



5.         J. Han, D. Lopez-Arredondo, G. Yu, Y. Wang, B. Wang, S.B. Wall, X. Zhang, H. Fang, A.C. Barragan-Rosillo, X. Pan, Y. Jiang, J. Chen, H. Zhang, B.L. Zhou, L. Herrera-Estrella, B. Zhang, K. Wang, Genome-wide chromatin accessibility analysis unveils open chromatin convergent evolution during polyploidization in cotton, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 119(44) (2022) e2209743119.

6.         Wang K, Zhang H, Khurshid H, Esh A, Wu C, Wang Q, Piperidis N (2022) Past and recent advances in sugarcane cytogenetics. The Crop JournalDoi10.1016/j.cj.2022.08.004

7.         K. Wang, D. Xiang, K. Xia, B. Sun, H. Khurshid, A.M.H. Esh, H. Zhang, Characterization of repetitive DNA in Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum by genome sequencing and cytological assays, Front. Plant Sci. 13 (2022) 814620.

8.         Wang K, Cheng H, Han J, Esh A, Liu J, Zhang Y, Wang B (2022) A comprehensive molecular cytogenetic analysis of the genome architecture in modern sugarcane cultivars. Chromosome Res 30:29-41

9.         Xu Z, Chen J, Meng S, Xu P, Zhai C, Huang F, Guo Q, Zhao L, Quan Y, Shangguan Y, Meng Z, Wen T, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Zhao J, Xu J, Liu J, Gao J, Ni W, Chen X, Ji W, Wang N, Lu X, Wang S, Wang K, Zhang T, Shen X (2022) Genome sequence of Gossypium anomalum facilitates interspecific introgression breeding. Plant Communications:100350

10.     R. Hasterok, P. Catalan, S.P. Hazen, A.C. Roulin, J.P. Vogel, K. Wang, L.A.J. Mur, Brachypodium: 20 years as a grass biology model system; the way forward?, Trends Plant Sci. 27(10) (2022) 1002-1016.

11.     Saleem Ur Rahman, Hamza Ramzan, Haris Khurshid, Niaz Ahmad, Kai Wang, Zahid Mukhtar, G. Raza, Role of Biotechnology for Improvement of Sugarcane, in: R.K. Gaur (Ed.), Omics Approaches for Sugarcane Crop Improvement, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2022.

12.     M. Ji, K. Sun, H. Fang, Z. Zhuang, H. Chen, Q. Chen, Z. Cao, Y. Wang, A. Ditta, M.K.R. Khan, K. Wang, B. Wang, Genome-wide identification and characterization of the CLASP_N gene family in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), Peer J 10 (2022) e12733.

13.     Tang Y, Chen H, Deng T, Chang Y, Sun K, Ditta A, Khan MKR, Wang K, Wang B (2022) Genome-wide identification and analysis of the GUB_WAK_bind gene family in Gossypium hirsutum. Mol Biol Rep 49:6405-6413

14.     Y. Cao, T. Shan, H. Fang, K. Sun, W. Shi, B. Tang, J. Wu, K. Wang, P. Li, B. Wang, Genome-wide analysis reveals the spatiotemporal expression patterns of SOS3 genes in the maize B73 genome in response to salt stress, BMC Genomics 23(1) (2022) 60.



15.     Huang Y, Ding W, Zhang M, Han J, Jing Y, Yao W, Hasterok R, Wang Z, Wang K (2021) The formation and evolution of centromeric satellite repeats in Saccharum species. Plant J106:616-629

16.     Wang Q, Yu G, Chen Z, Han J, Hu Y, Wang K (2021) Optimization of protoplast isolation, transformation and its application in sugarcane (Saccharum spontaneum L). The Crop Journal , 9:133-142

17.     Meng Z, Wang Q, Khurshid H, Raza G, Han J, Wang B, Wang K (2021) Chromosome Painting Provides Insights Into the Genome Structure and Evolution of Sugarcane. Front. Plant Sci, DOI 10.3389/fpls.2021.731664

18.     Wang Y, Wang K (2021) Genome-Wide Identification of DNase I Hypersensitive Sites in Plants. Current protocols, 1:e148

19.     Y. Huang, W. Huang, Z. Meng, G.T. Braz, Y. Li, K. Wang, H. Wang, J. Lai, J. Jiang, Z. Dong, W. Jin, Megabase-scale presence-absence variation with Tripsacum origin was under selection during maize domestication and adaptation, Genome Biol. 22(1) (2021) 237.


20.     Han J, Wang P, Wang Q, Lin Q, Chen Z, Yu G, Miao C, Dao Y, Wu R, Schnable JC, Tang H, Wang K (2020) Genome-wide characterization of DNase I-hypersensitive sites and cold response regulatory landscapes in grasses. Plant Cell 32:2457-2473

21.     Lin Q, Wang S, Dao Y, Wang J, Wang K (2020) The Arabidopsis thaliana trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase gene AtTPPI enhances drought tolerance by regulating stomatal apertures. J Exp Bot, DOI 10.1093/jxb/eraa173

22.     Hasterok R, Wang K, Jenkins G (2020) Progressive refinement of the karyotyping of Brachypodium genomes. New Phytol, DOI 10.1111/nph.16342

23.     Meng Z, Han J, Lin Y, Zhao Y, Lin Q, Ma X, Wang J, Zhang M, Zhang L, Yang Q, Wang K (2020) Characterization of a Saccharum spontaneum with a basic chromosome number of x = 10 provides new insights on genome evolution in genus Saccharum. Theor Appl Genet 133:187-199

24.     Huang Y, Chen H, Han J, Zhang Y, Ma S, Yu G, Wang Z, Wang K (2020) Species-specific abundant retrotransposons elucidate the genomic composition of modern sugarcane cultivars. Chromosoma 129:45-55

25.     Zhang L, Chen F, Zhang X, Li Z, Zhao Y, Lohaus R, Chang X, Dong W, Ho SYW, Liu X, Song A, Chen J, Guo W, Wang Z, Zhuang Y, Wang H, Chen X, Hu J, Liu Y, Qin Y, Wang K, Dong S, Liu Y, Zhang S, Yu X, Wu Q, Wang L, Yan X, Jiao Y, Kong H, Zhou X, Yu C, Chen Y, Li F, Wang J, Chen W, Chen X, Jia Q, Zhang C, Jiang Y, Zhang W, Liu G, Fu J, Chen F, Ma H, Van de Peer Y, Tang H (2020) The water lily genome and the early evolution of flowering plants. Nature 577:79-84


26.     Wang S, Jin W, Wang K (2019) Centromere histone H3- and phospholipase-mediated haploid induction in plants. Plant Methods 15:42

27.     Yu G, Wang J, Miao L, Xi M, Wang Q, Wang K (2019) Optimization of Mature Embryo-Based Tissue Culture and Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation in Model Grass Brachypodium distachyon. Int J Mol Sci 20

28.     Zou J, Mao L, Qiu J, Wang M, Jia L, Wu D, He Z, Chen M, Shen Y, Shen E, Huang Y, Li R, Hu D, Shi L, Wang K, Zhu Q, Ye C, Bancroft I, King GJ, Meng J, Fan L (2019) Genome-wide selection footprints and deleterious variations in young Asian allotetraploid rapeseed. Plant Biotechnol J, 17:1998-2010

29.     Lin Q, Yang J, Wang Q, Zhu H, Chen Z, Dao Y, Wang K (2019) Overexpression of the trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase family gene AtTPPF improves the drought tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biol 19:381

30.     Li Z, Wang K (2019) Genome-Wide Identification of Regulatory DNA Elements in Crop Plants. In: Vaschetto LM (ed) Cereal Genomics: Methods and Protocols. Springer US, New York, NY, pp 85-99

31.     Hu  Y, Chen J, Fang L, Zhang Z, Ma W, Niu Y, Ju L, Deng J, Zhao T, Lian J,  Baruch K, Fang D, Liu X, Ruan YL, Rahman MU, Han J, Wang K, Wang Q, Wu  H, Mei G, Zang Y, Han Z, Xu C, Shen W, Yang D, Si Z, Dai F, Zou L, Huang  F, Bai Y, Zhang Y, Brodt A, Ben-Hamo H, Zhu X, Zhou B, Guan X, Zhu S,  Chen X, Zhang T (2019) Gossypium barbadense and Gossypium hirsutum genomes provide insights into the origin and evolution of allotetraploid cotton. Nat Genet 51:739-748


32.     Zhang J, Zhang X, Tang H, Zhang Q, Hua X, Ma X, Zhu F, Jones T, Zhu X, Bowers J, Wai CM, Zheng C, Shi Y, Chen S, Xu X, Yue J, Nelson DR, Huang L, Li Z, Xu H, Zhou D, Wang Y, Hu W, Lin J, Deng Y, Pandey N, Mancini M, Zerpa D, Nguyen JK, Wang L, Yu L, Xin Y, Ge L, Arro J, Han JO, Chakrabarty S, Pushko M, Zhang W, Ma Y, Ma P, Lv M, Chen F, Zheng G, Xu J, Yang Z, Deng F, Chen X, Liao Z, Zhang X, Lin Z, Lin H, Yan H, Kuang Z, Zhong W, Liang P, Wang G, Yuan Y, Shi J, Hou J, Lin J, Jin J, Cao P, Shen Q, Jiang Q, Zhou P, Ma Y, Zhang X, Xu R, Liu J, Zhou Y, Jia H, Ma Q, Qi R, Zhang Z, Fang J, Fang H, Song J, Wang M, Dong G, Wang G, Chen Z, Ma T, Liu H, Dhungana SR, Huss SE, Yang X, Sharma A, Trujillo JH, Martinez MC, Hudson M, Riascos JJ, Schuler M, Chen LQ, Braun DM, Li L, Yu Q, Wang J, Wang K, Schatz MC, Heckerman D, Van Sluys MA, Souza GM, Moore PH, Sankoff D, VanBuren R, Paterson AH, Nagai C, Ming R (2018) Allele-defined genome of the autopolyploid sugarcane Saccharum spontaneum L. Nat Genet 50:1565-1573

33.     Sharma A, Song J, Lin Q, Singh R, Ramos N, Wang K, Zhang J, Ming R, Yu Q (2018) Comparative analysis of homologous sequences of Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum spontaneum reveals independent polyploidization events. Front Plant Sci 9:1414

34.     Meng Z, Zhang Z, Yan T, Lin Q, Wang Y, Huang W, Huang Y, Li Z, Yu Q, Wang J, Wang K (2018) Comprehensively characterizing the cytological features of Saccharum spontaneum by the development of a complete set of chromosome-specific oligo probes. Front Plant Sci 9:1624

35.     Liu S, Xue C, Fang Y, Chen G, Peng X, Zhou Y, Chen C, Liu G, Gu M, Wang K, Zhang W, Wu Y, Gong Z (2018) Global Involvement of Lysine Crotonylation in Protein Modification and Transcription Regulation in Rice. Mol Cell Proteomics 17:1922-1936

36.     Li Y, Zuo S, Zhang Z, Li Z, Han J, Chu Z, Hasterok R, Wang K (2018) Centromeric DNA characterization in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon provides insights on the evolution of the genus. Plant J 93:1088-1101

37.     Han J, Zhang Z, Wang K (2018) 3C and 3C-based techniques: the powerful tools for spatial genome organization deciphering. Mol Cytogenet 11:21

38.     Dong G, Shen J, Zhang Q, Wang J, Yu Q, Ming R, Wang K, Zhang J (2018) Development and applications of chromosome-specific cytogenetic BAC-FISH Probes in S. spontaneum. Front Plant Sci 9:218


39.     Pan X, Fang Y, Yang X, Zheng D, Chen L, Wang L, Xiao J, Wang XE, Wang K, Cheng Z, Yu H, Zhang W (2017) Chromatin states responsible for the regulation of differentially expressed genes under (60)Co~gamma ray radiation in rice. BMC Genomics 18:778

40.     Zhang W, Zuo S, Li Z, Meng Z, Han J, Song J, Pan YB, Wang K (2017) Isolation and characterization of centromeric repetitive DNA sequences in Saccharum spontaneum. Sci Rep 7:41659

41.     韩金磊吴为人,王凯 (2016). 染色体构象及其研究方法—3C技术分子植物育种(12): 3501-3510.


42.     Han J, Masonbrink RE, Shan W, Song F, Zhang J, Yu W, Wang K, Wu Y, Tang H, Wendel JF, Wang K (2016) Rapid proliferation and nucleolar organizer targeting centromeric retrotransposons in cotton. Plant J 88:992-1005

43.     Wang K, Yu W (2016) Chromosome Preparation in Rice (Oryza sativa). In: Gary Stacey, Birchler J, Ecker J, Martin C, Stitt M, Zhou J-M (eds) Current Protocols in Plant Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, pp 67-77

44.     Wang K, Yu W (2016) In Situ Hybridization in Rice (Oryza sativa). In: Gary Stacey, Birchler J, Ecker J, Martin C, Stitt M, Zhou J-M (eds) Current Protocols in Plant Biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, pp 89-106

45.     Shan W, Jiang Y, Han J, Wang K (2016) Comprehensive cytological characterization of the Gossypium hirsutum genome based on the development of a set of chromosome cytological markers. Crop Journal 4:256-265


46.     Han J, Zhou B, Shan W, Yu L, Wu W, Wang K (2015) A and D genomes spatial separation at somatic metaphase in tetraploid cotton: evidence for genomic disposition in a polyploid plant. Plant J 84:1167-1177

47.     Gent JI, Wang K, Jiang J, Dawe RK (2015) Stable patterns of CENH3 occupancy through maize lineages containing genetically similar centromeres. Genetics 200:1105-1116

48.     Wang K, Wu Y, Zhang W, Dawe RK, Jiang J (2014) Maize centromeres expand and adopt a uniform size in the genetic background of oat. Genome Res 24:107-116

49.     Zhang H, Koblizkova A, Wang K, Gong Z, Oliveira L, Torres GA, Wu Y, Zhang W, Novak P, Buell CR, Macas J, Jiang J (2014) Boom-Bust Turnovers of Megabase-Sized Centromeric DNA in Solanum Species: Rapid Evolution of DNA Sequences Associated with Centromeres. Plant Cell 26:1436-1447

50.     Cook DE, Bayless AM, Wang K, Guo X, Song Q, Jiang J, Bent AF (2014) Distinct copy number, coding sequence, and locus methylation patterns underlie Rhg1-Mediated soybean resistance to soybean cyst nematode. Plant Physiol 165:630-647

51.     Chen Y, Wang Y, Wang K, Zhu X, Guo W, Zhang T, Zhou B (2014) Construction of a complete set of alien chromosome addition lines from Gossypium australe in Gossypium hirsutum: morphological, cytological, and genotypic characterization. Theor Appl Genet 127:1105-1121

52.     Wang K, Zhang W, Jiang Y, Zhang T (2013) Systematic application of DNA fiber-FISH technique in cotton. PLoS One, 8:e75674

53.     Cook DE, Lee TG, Guo X, Melito S, Wang K, Bayless AM, Wang J, Hughes TJ, Willis DK, Clemente TE, Diers BW, Jiang J, Hudson ME, Bent AF (2012) Copy number variation of multiple genes at Rhg1 mediates nematode resistance in soybean. Science 338:1206-1209

54.     Wang K, Zhang W, Cao Y, Zhang Z, Zheng D, Zhou B, Guo W, Zhang T (2012) Localization of high level of sequence conservation and divergence regions in cotton. Theor Appl Genet 124:1173-1182

55.     Gong Z, Wu Y, Koblizkova A, Torres GA, Wang K, Iovene M, Neumann P, Zhang W, Novak P, Buell CR, Macas J, Jiang J (2012) Repeatless and repeat-based centromeres in potato: Implications for centromere evolution. Plant Cell 24:3559-3574

56.     Zhang H, Phan BH, Wang K, Artelt BJ, Jiang J, Parrott WA, Dawe RK (2012) Stable integration of an engineered megabase repeat array into the maize genome. Plant J 70:357-365

57.     Wang K, Guo W, Yang Z, Hu Y, Zhang W, Zhou B, Stelly D, Chen Z, Zhang T (2010) Structure and size variations between 12A and 12D homoeologous chromosomes based on high-resolution cytogenetic map in allotetraploid cotton. Chromosoma 119:255-266

58.     Wang K, Yang Z, Shu C, Hu J, Lin Q, Zhang W, Guo W, Zhang T (2009) Higher axial-resolution and sensitivity pachytene fluorescence in situ hybridization protocol in tetraploid cotton. Chromosome Res 17:1041-1050

59.     Wang K, Guan B, Guo W, Zhou B, Hu Y, Zhu Y, Zhang T (2008) Completely distinguishing individual A-genome chromosomes and their karyotyping analysis by multiple bacterial artificial chromosome-fluorescence in situ hybridization. Genetics 178:1117-1122

60.     Guan B, Wang K, Zhou BL, Guo WZ, Zhang TZ (2008) Establishment of a multi-color genomic in situ hybridization technique to simultaneously discriminate the three interspecific hybrid genomes in gossypium. J Integr Plant Biol 50:345-351

61.     Wang K, Guo W, Zhang T (2007) Detection and mapping of homologous and homoeologous segments in homoeologous groups of allotetraploid cotton by BAC-FISH. BMC Genomics 8:178

62.     Wang K, Guo W, Zhang T (2007) Development of one set of chromosome-specific microsatellite-containing BACs and their physical mapping in Gossypium hirsutum L. Theor Appl Genet 115:675-682

63.     Guo W, Cai C, Wang C, Han Z, Song X, Wang K, Niu X, Wang C, Lu K, Shi B, Zhang T (2007) A microsatellite-based, gene-rich linkage map reveals genome structure, function and evolution in Gossypium. Genetics 176:527-541

64.     Wang K, Song X, Han Z, Guo W, Yu JZ, Sun J, Pan J, Kohel RJ, Zhang T (2006) Complete assignment of the chromosomes of Gossypium hirsutum L. by translocation and fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping. Theor Appl Genet 113:73-80

65.     Song X, Wang K, Guo W, Zhang J, Zhang T (2005) A comparison of genetic maps constructed from haploid and BC1 mapping populations from the same crossing between Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L. Genome 48:378-390  








